Official Servicepartner:

Ambiente, ISH, IBA, VitaFoods Barcelona - and many more - registration OPEN!
Get cost-effective video and photo coverage of your show
Same Day Delivery
You can participate in a fair and that's it, or you can be the one company, visitors still remember after it’s all over.
Who we actually are: For the past 8 years, our agency has been dedicated to specializing in visual content production at fairs – offering photography and film services. Throughout this time, we worked at fairs all over Germany, collaborating with clients from diverse industries and regions around the globe. We know the fairgrounds, how to talk and be in business surroundings.
Shooting at fairs presents unique challenges: The lighting conditions at booths are often less than ideal, and navigating the bustling crowds to capture clean shots can be a real test of skill. Furthermore, you need to be highly attentive – not to miss the most valuable shots – the exchanges of business cards, the handshakes, the signing of deals, and the genuine interactions with visitors – emotions, which breathe life into our visuals.
You should work with us if: You value high quality content. We are an experienced team, equipped with the best gear on the market. Our approach is smart: We shoot only as much as needed and leave, not further disturbing your business – we deliver results instead of selling time – and you get a better price-performance-ratio. Our commitment to quality begins from the very first contact: We will interview you and take the time to understand your specific needs: Whether it involves showcasing new products, picturing activities at your booth or shooting your presentation on stage. Maybe we can make video testimonials from your satisfied clients?
Shortly said: Our goal is to help you derive maximum value from your participation in fairs and exhibitions.
Get your marketing ready for social media
Photo & Video-
20 Photos
1 Video 60 sec. with Royalty Free Music
60 min. Production Time
36 Hours Delivery
No Statements
No Branding
No Corrections
Photo & Video-
40 Photos
1 Video 120 sec. with Licensed Music
90 min. Production Time
24 Hours Delivery
1 Recorded Statement
Corporate Branding
1 Correction Round
Photo & Video-
80 Photos
1 Video 180 sec. with Licensed Music
150 min. Production Time
Same Day Delivery
3 Recorded Statements
Corporate Branding
3 Correction Rounds
We can also provide customized services – please get in touch via contact form or chat.
What we offer
- Video Production
- Photography
- Local Knowledge
- Skilled Team
- Same Day Delivery
- 8 Years Experience
Get more attention from clients, partners and press to your booth by feeding your social media with quality content from the fair.
Don’t loose time, it’s all about pace nowadays! We highspeed deliver your content. Promote THIS Expo Appearance and not the Future Ones.
Unique Approach
We satisfy your marketing needs, while others sell you time.
ExpoMedia . . .
- ... offers small timeslots, perfect for your boothsize and Expo Appearance.
- ... produces exact amount of footage fitting your needs.
- ... leaves as soon as they are done, not to disturb your business.
- ... has a postproduction specialist at the fairground and starts working on your content the second our operator left your booth.
Common Media . . .
- ... offer only daily rates, to cover their overhead-costs.
- ... produce too much material that is never used.
- ... have to be around all the time they sold you. Many visitors avoid booths with ongoing videoproduction!
- ... take all the produced footage back to office – because of the amount, their postproduction takes days.

How we work
Roadmap to your Content
Get in touch
Contact us and we will discuss your requirements, advice for a package and propose a timeslot. That's totally free!
Order form
Book your slot in our Calendar-System. You can also do it directly, if you have no questions or custom needs upfront.
We are excited to meet you at your booth. You will recognise us by our gear, the ExpoMedia-Shirt and the wide smile :).
You receive your results within the ordered timeframe and can publish immediately on social media.
Contact us
About us